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Cell Phone Silence

Rebekah Alvey


There are moments, few and far between, that I adore completely.

Sometimes, they are moments of silence.

Other times, they contain real noise.


They are moments void of buzzes and dings,

Alerts and alarms,

Bells and whistles.

They are void of those pesky, invaluable devices;

The ones strapped to our persons at all times,

That light our faces in the night with a dull, artificial glow.

Sure, they keep us up to date, connected, and entertained.

But at what cost?


The things that are designed to keep us connected have made us socially inept.

Real, beautiful conversation is consumed by  texts and posts.

I love the moments when we put these devices down.

Where I can really learn about someone or something,

And be present.

When I can know the color of  eyes and the tone of skin,

When I can directly see when I have made someone smile with delight.

To know that the person you are communicating with is fully aware and engaged.


Not being distracted by what is happening on the small screens,

Is a beautiful phenomenon.


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