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The Night

Sarah Piece


Quietly we crept our way out of the house into the the night.

We raced barefoot across the street, yelping as tiny pebbles pierced our feet,

Giggling as we threw our clothes and stumbled our way to the stairs.

The stairs that lead to dark, still water,

The freezing cold took our breath away as we charged through.

Each step took us deeper and deeper into the dark abyss.

But looking above, there were glittering stars that brightened the night sky,

Like tiny lighthouses luring us to safety.

Our voices grew louder as we swam farther away from the houses,

We shared secrets and stories as if we were the only ones on this planet.

As if there were no rules to be followed or broken,

We kept on splashing and fighting with whomever,

Smearing the runny sands across each other's backs, tackling one another.

We finally said our goodnights to the lake, and made our way back home.

I glanced back out at the open world.


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