Things i've learned from the dead and gone
Hannah Campbell // Woodford County
1. It never goes away, you just somehow get comfortable with the ache in your chest when you think of them. That's okay. You're okay.
2. You never forget, whether you are worried you will, or you worry that you won't. You'll see it in the faces on the train, you'll feel it in raindrops.
3. You'll feel like there is fire in your chest, running through your veins. Don't try to let it out, you'll only feed it.
4. Loss takes on a new meaning when you're talking about death, and a deeper meaning when you're talking about life.
5. Give. Give to the strangers on the road and to your friends and the people you hate. But know that no matter how much you give you will never get back what you lost. I've tried.
6. Don't be afraid to love. Love is not a person it is but a familiar face. You can see love in a boy you've seen so many times but suddenly he looks a little like the last boy. Love is a familiar face not a person.
7. You'll never know how much you miss a person until you realize you'll never see them again. You'll never know how much you miss a person until you have the chance to see them again, and you don't.
8. Never miss an opportunity to laugh. You can't find that kind of healing in a prescription bottle. You can't find that healing in a therapist.
9. Nature is the best therapist. She will tell you things you didn't know about yourself, she will uncover parts of yourself you didn't know you had.
10. You will see them. You will see them in other people on the streets you will hear them in songs you will find them in big sweaters and cigarette smoke. That will never change.
11. You will be sad. You will feel a million years older because you either can't sleep or you want to go to sleep at 7.
12. People leave. People die. People change. It's never your fault.