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Songs sung by mad men

Morgan Frank // West Jessamine County

Somewhere within my mind

A beautiful woman resides.

Her soft lips parting to whisper sweet tunes

Melodies riddled with compassion and care.


As I listen to the decrescendo

of her whispers to mutters

And feel her petite,

Bony body cripple like a raisin

The dissonance of loud obnoxious stomps

Rises in the expanse between my ears.


The footsteps of the demon splitting my head

Like a river has the grand canyon.

Blood dribbling down my cheeks,

pouring from my eardrums.

He speaks not angrily,

But sadistically,

Seducing my fair lady

With his harmonic voice.

His sleek composure casting no shadow.


The chords sung are only ones a madman sings.

Ones sung while white hair falls out

And skin sags ghostly.

Ones sung with eyes glistening black

And ears stained red.

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