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Chap Hollin

1. What makes you the most afraid?

I think what makes me the most afraid is division between groups of people.

2. Do you believe in soul mates?

I think so. I think it’s not all one type of soulmate, but I do believe in soulmates of different kinds.

3. How important is family to you?

Family is pretty important to me. I’ve grown up in a pretty large family and we’re all really close so I rely on them a lot.

4. Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?

I’d like to say I’m a extrovert but I’m probably not. It helps having a big family and in the theatre world you kinda have to be able to communicate with people. It’s hard, but I’m a forced extrovert.

5. What do you think about the most during each day?

I think about time a lot. Seriously, I think about how time works a lot,  every single day. Like, I wanna get out of a certain class, so you’re just waiting for time to pass, and then you come to the realization, like woah, times passed really quick. Time is not real. Fake news.

6. What experiences do you think have impacted your life thus far?

I think this year has had some of the most impactful experiences I’ve ever had. I joined the NIA club this year, which a lot of people find out because it is a group attended for African American women, but I wanted to broaden my horizons an kinda educate myself. I thought that I was “woke”, for lack of a better term, but hearing some of the stories has been pretty powerful.

7. What is your earliest memory?

Right off the top of my head, my family took a trip to Disney World. We were checking into the hotel and there was a pot of flowers. They were multicolored and I of course was like, “Oh my god”. I went and picked one and I smelled it. One of the petals shoots up my nose and gets lodged. Like, I mean full on panic attack. My mom is looking up my nose with her phone and finally I just snot rocketed it out. That’s the earliest memory I can think of at the moment.

8. How do you want to be remembered?

I think just for being kind. It’s something very important to me. Or mindful. I think being open-minded, to not just one group of people, but to everyone.

Chap Hollin: Service


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