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Mary Ann Duffy

1. What year were you born?


2. What is your most vivid memory?

The time of my life that is most memorable is the time my children were growing up. We were always happy and having fun.

3. What are the big world events that you remember occurring throughout your life? How did they impact/shape who you are today?

WWII, well I was quite young. I was 9 when the war started and i thought that it was grand fun. We were rationed, our food was rationed and gasoline was rationed. We had to have stamps to buy things, like sugar and coffee and gasoline and various other items that were scarce. There were soldiers and sailors all over the place. I loved that, all these young men in uniform. I was 14 when the war actually ended and there were still lots of the soldiers and sailors around and i was making eyes at them by then. THat i think would be the most memorable.

4. What dreams and goals did you have for your life? How did they change?

I wanted to be a wife and mother. That's what we did in those days. We had a choice, i did go to college. I had the choice of being a nurse, or a dancer, or a singer, or a homemaker and that was about it. When my children grew up i wanted to have a horse farm. My husband and i had a small farm and raised thoroughbreds and raced them, boarded a few and raised them and did that for 20 years before we retired.

5. How did you decide what you wanted to do with your life? How do you feel about that choice?

I don't think I ever gave a lot of thought in what i wanted to do with my life and i don't have any regrets in what i did do, I am happy.

6. What is the best compliment that you have ever received?

That I was a good mother.

Mary Ann Duffy: Service


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