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Believe in Yourself


My uncle Gérald Oriol was born with spinal muscular atrophy. He has never been able to enjoy life like other people, but he kept up a positive mind and built a bright future for himself. He obtained a Master’s degree from Harvard University; he built his non-profit organization J’AIME HAITI; he became Haitian Secretary of State for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities, and he accomplished much more.


This example shows you that you have the power to accomplish your dreams and to live your life. You are the only one who can make a step or a change in order for you to be happy and to do what you love. You are the only one who can build your self-confidence to a point where you say: “You know what, I want my life to be this way. I want to live my dream.”


Being strong is one of the most important factors in one’s life. I watch my uncle everyday on his wheel chair knowing that he does not have a lot of time left in this world. But you know what makes me stronger? Seeing him always smiling and never complaining. He made me able to let go of my anxiety and not to care about what people think about me. Right now, I feel so blessed, strong, happy and confident. No one or no problem can bring me down. I know that I am great and that an amazing future awaits me.


Take this example and live your life. Put your head up, face reality and accomplish something. Love who you are and be who you want, someone who fights for his dream. My uncle was supposed to die in his early twenties and now he is 34. If he can still keep up and live his life, so can you.


Clifford S., Bridge Academy, 12th grade

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