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Right for Individuality


We cover ourselves up in dark fluid, a mask that hides our essence.

We put out fake interpretations,

Seek out people’s congratulations,

But why are we ashamed to show our true colors?

Is it the fear of rejection?

Do we fall into the trap of being puppets moving to the rhythm of other people?

We should fight for our right to individuality,

To stand out from a crowd of zombies.

Those who are dead to themselves,

The faceless, the lifeless,

The nameless, and the worthless,

It’s time we stop being doormats,

To fight off the dusty shoes,

To say that we are not above,

But not below you.

To seek out those words locked inside; another voice adds to the volume.

Speak up like a brave person,

See how shocked people become.

Force your issues if they don’t want to hear them,

Scream above them,

Then state your case very clearly.

That would be the start of a riot to overcome your fears,

The fire inside your heart will burn the view,

And will be heard from the top of the highest mountain.

You will roar like the powerful lion,

Run faster than a black panther,

Grow under their skins like a giant oak tree,

And you will soar like a free bird.

They only know a part of you,

You are a universe full of secrets.

But remember that everyone that you meet is afraid of something,

Loves something, and has lost something.

You have to keep going and confront your own fear;

Only then will you be able to see through the dark.


Arielle C. , Bridge Academy, 12th grade


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