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Let Me Go

Hayle Hall


My home is me,

How dare I let it go?


With snobby stairs that sold my position,

Curtains dusted over hidden figures

During a game of 'hide in the same place,'

The spot behind the curvy chair,

That kept my secretive peanut butter and spoon.

My home is me,

How dare I let it go?


My pillows that soothed hot tears,

Carrying the days misgivings,

Stupid table edges that aim for my knee,

Every minute of every hour,

The empty bedroom that houses all unwanted items.

My home is me,

How dare I let it go?


My room that is stained with the colorful stench

Of perfumed pride,

Windows to clench palms with coolness,

Remnants on the bathtub,

Of leftover Jolly-Rancher nail polish.

My home is me,

How dare I let it go?


But now my home is you.

I will never let myself go.


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