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Watching the Night Sky


As I lie down on the warm grass,

My eyes look up in the infinite dark sky full of stars,

Those that remain, those that died,

Those that shine so bright.

They light up my way through the night.

Opening my eyes, looking up and gazing at them,

Millions, trillions, gazillions of frozen stars.

I watch the night sky

And think how enormous and endless it is,

The way it seems so close,

But yet it is so far.

Just like my thoughts seem to take over my mind,

The night is taking over a part of the world just for a few hours.

(Little did I know that this night could be the one

When my dreams would either come true or fade away.)

I lie still, so clueless.

Questioning many aspects of my life,

Reflecting on how it would be better if some things hadn’t happened.

But for just one night,

I won’t let these thoughts take my mind away

From this breathtaking night sky.


Arielle C., Bridge Academy, 12th grade

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