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Soccer in Haiti


Soccer plays a great role in my country’s culture. It is one of the most widely played sports. It is the most dominant

sport because it doesn't require much to play it; all you need are two things: an actual soccer ball or something similar with a round shape if you can't afford a real ball, and the will to play.


I live in a country where most children cannot afford to go to school, where they spend most of their time begging in the streets instead of being in a classroom. Since they do not have many occupations, soccer means a lot to them. Unlike what other people may think, they do not need the latest Nike Mercurial that came out recently to play, or a good soccer ball, or even an adequate space. This is why they are usually the best at this: because as long as they have their two feet and their breath, their passion for the game will always be greater. Could you imagine a barefooted child who doesn't know if he is going to eat this afternoon playing soccer in the dust with a smile? This, my dear friends, is passion.  


Soccer means a lot to Haitians, especially the young ones. It is their way of dealing with their daily frustration. In the harsh community that we live in, soccer is one, if not the only, subject about which the population can come to a mutual agreement. Playing, watching, or even discussing soccer is a way for Haitians to relax and entertain themselves.


Isn’t it amazing how a small round ball can put so much peace and happiness into people’s hearts?


Henri L., Bridge Academy, 12th grade

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