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Wild Things

Sara Sandman

“...[they]roared their terrible roars and

gnashed their terrible teeth and

rolled their terrible eyes and

showed their terrible claws.”

- Maurice Sendak


My home is smoke.

In the ever changing smoke

                         we danced.

Not made for civilization,

We were the wild things.

The world was ours,

The only limitation was imagination.

The four wild things given free reign.


Smooth dark wood chest filled

With sparkly costumes,

Hands opening locked doors,

Embracing snakes and laughter.



The wild things had to grow up,

                            become tame,

Civilization incessantly calling.

They burned sparkly costumes

And closed doors.

Home drifting, disappearing

With the smoke.


But the wild within stayed,

Wild things can't be tamed,

No Use Trying.




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